Hopefully you have conducted your experiment and you now have your data ready to calculate. You should meet with your partner(s) to share all data and calculate your statistics - mean, median, mode, range and standard deviation (if you are unsure as to how to find each of these, come see me or talk with one of the math geniuses in class.)

After you have all of your data you need to say "goodbye" to your partners and commence with your write-up by yourself. Remember, plagiarism will void your grade (you will have earned a "zero" and this will apply to both your class grade and your overall IB score - oh, and you will also be removed from the IB program, so just don't do it.)

We will have time in class to discuss the components of your write-up - you will also have opportunities to get some peer editing. Bring your report via a USB so you can work on it during class time.
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