Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Upcoming due dates...

Wednesday, November 24th: Quiz - Rules of Ethics (information is found on page 22 in your textbook)

Sunday, November 28th: Reflection writing - The Placebo Effect (instructions and articles are found on this blog)

Tuesday, November 30th: Quiz - Research Vocabulary (terms 1-20 from your packet)

Week of the 29th through the 3rd: Determine the study you plan to replicate for your Internal Assessment. Research the topic surrounding your study.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Research in Psychology: Ethics (or the lack thereof)

The Milgram Experiment on Obedience - Original Footage

Top-10 Evil Human Experiments:

APA Guide for Ethics in Using Animals:

The Placebo Effect - Is it real or just imagined?

After reading the two articles linked below, write a 250 word minimum response:

Include in your response:

* what is the placebo effect
* explain H.K. Beecher's study which suggested the effectiveness of placebos
* what types of problems do these studies have?
* based on what you have learned, what is your opinion regarding the effectiveness of placebos?

DUE DATE: Sunday, November 28th by midnight
REMINDER: do not COPY/PASTE and site any/all resources used

Research in Psychology: The Placebo Effect

Studies have shown that the human brain/body is capable of healing itself but also fooling itself.  Placebos are those things we think are doing us some good but, in reality, they have no true healing or mediconal  power on their own.  The power is derived through our expectations and nothing more. 
We usually think of placebos as being sugar or water pills but they are actually found in many forms.  Among these are surgical procedures, religious beliefs and other previously unknown forms of placebos.

The accompanying videos will help to understand the concept and it's applications. (Placebo: Cracking the Code parts 1/2, parts 3/4)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This week's important dates (NOV 8-12)

Vocab Quiz - Memory Terms (entire list, 1-45)
Wednesday Nov 10th.

Test: Memory (notes from PPT) & Loftus study of memory distortion
Thursday Nov. 11th

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: More Than Just Painful Memories

The video below gives some insight into the disorder of post traumatic stress disorder - a memory-realted disorder which causes great difficulty for those who suffer from it.  With the U.S. still involved in nearly a decade-long "War On Terror", thousands of Americans, as well as Iraqis and Afghans, will fall victim to PTSD due to the violence that comes with war.
Unfortunately, there are also many people who fall victim to PTSD as victims of crime throughout the world.  Learn more about the causes, symptoms and treatments for PTSD from the information linked here:


Monday, November 1, 2010