What to know: Remember, you are going to answer one of the questions in the "Dysfunctional Psychology" category. This essay will require you to write at least 4-5 paragraphs (you will have one hour) - remember to use an introduction and conclusion.
- How do we define dysfunctional or abnormal behavior? (handout from class)
- How do we diagnose? (be thorough - what are the things a doctor should do, how many symptoms are needed and for how long?)
- What are the treatments? (how does medication - SSRI's - work?)
- What is the DSM-IV and how is it used to diagnose and treat diseases such as depression?
- What are the gender differences in diagnosing and treating depression (or bipolar)?
- What are the cultural differences in diagnosing and treating depression (or bipolar)?
- What are the ethical issues in diagnosing or treating depression (or bipolar)?
- What difficulties are there in diagnosing and treating depression or bipolar? - Rosenhan study on fake schizophrenia patients (handout from class)
- Understand the theories of depression - Albert Bandura, Juilian Rotter, Martin Seligman, Aaron Beck
- Be able to explain the cause (etiology) and treatment of depression from the biological, cognitive and learning perspectives
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